Tina L. Hendricks


I’d like to coin the term inundation-hostility. Its definition is simple: an abundance of digital suitors seeking recognition. AKA too much pressure all at once. Imagine your teenager’s cell-phone and the constant pilling of messages they receive just during dinner. Hundreds. How do they keep up? A letter to hard working agents, editors and publishers, …

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Tina L. Hendricks

The irony of it all…

Let me be very clear, I am not a silver-linings kind of person. My life motto generally is that if I don’t get what I want it’s because I didn’t commit enough time, I did it wrong, I wasn’t worthy, or there is a best effort that I have not yet achieved. So I find …

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Tina L. Hendricks

Studious Intentions…

Memoir 101 was mind-blowing. Seriously. One single memoir is like ten years of therapy. Who knew? Thank you Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance for the connectivity you provide your members. Writing is intentionally and uniquely lonesome. But, that gets lonely. I’ve met so many other quirky writers who love to share their process, however, not …

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