Tina L. Hendricks

Shedding my skin…

Molting: The act of casting off body parts. What about when we cast off more than just our skin, hair, or shells? What about relationships? What about ripping ourselves away from our abusers?  Molting your abuser is not the beautiful loss of the old and a glistening into the new as we imagine in nature. …

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Tina L. Hendricks

Narcissist in visceral…

Narcissist. Consider its curvaceous pronunciation–the incline of ‘narc,’ and the river of ‘issistic.’ How can such a poetic expression describe the havoc afflicted on your psyche by a person labeled as such? The dictionary definition–much too compressed. It reads similarly to: a narcissist seeks admiration for their physical and mental attributes. Isn’t that a normal …

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